West Africa Diamonds

Product Description

West Africa Diamonds Ltd.

Our company puts in significant efforts to accurately match the product description to product specifications, including every image, video and illustration presented on the site.


All product images appearing on the website are original images of the product sold and are not for illustration purposes only. Our company puts in a significant effort to present each product accurately and in addition, we provide a certificate for every stone that appears on the website for complete match and illustration of the product sold.

The images and colors we use, in addition to the screen capability and colors that appear on the customer’s screen, may vary slightly from one device to another, depending on the resolution and device capabilities. Therefore,

West Africa Diamonds Ltd.

cannot guarantee that the screen display on the device from which the sale is made will be 100%

Our company cannot guarantee complete lack of errors with regard to every product or product description. In addition, our company regularly uploads new product data and descriptions, and therefore, cannot guarantee that there will be no errors in description or prices.

West Africa Diamonds Ltd.

reserves the right to change or refuse to sell a product due to a mistake in data written on the website as a result of uploading huge amounts of data every day. In addition, our company reserves the right to cancel the transaction in such case; customer will receive a full refund if there was a mistake made by our company.

In cases of customer-tailored design, prices are determined according to each part and all the different products integrated into the final product.

Prices and products are subject to change without prior notice and we therefore recommend to contact our team of experts for further details.