West Africa Diamonds

100% Money Back Guarantee

West Africa Diamonds Ltd. is committed to provide a refund within 30 days no questions asked, upon compliance with the following conditions:

  • Products can be returned or exchanged within 30 days after delivery. Products must be in a condition pursuant to the time of shipment to the customer. Products must be in new condition. Do not use, damage, wear or change the condition of the products.
  • Products must accurately match the specifications of the products that were sent.
  • Upon returning the products, all original certificates and documents of the purchased products must be returned as well.
  • Products that will be returned without the original documents and certificates will require a fee for document issuing services. Service fees for failure to return original documents will be charged at a rate starting at $185 and up, according to the type of certificate and product size.

West Africa Diamonds Ltd. does not issue any refunds for the work, management or design of any customized jewelry.

West Africa Diamonds Ltd. owns exclusively, at its sole discretion, the right to add or lower administrative, production and any logistics costs for orders that include customer-tailored design, as per each case – a deductible amount will be determined at the time of providing an adjusted price quote.

Special cases in special payment plans will not be covered under the 30-day refund.

Refunds are made to the payment method the customer used to make the payment, whether by cash, wire transfer, PayPal or any other method. Refunds are carried out only according to the invoice issued by West Africa Diamonds Ltd. Our company is not responsible for any additional charges made during the transaction, whether by the credit company, bank, tax, VAT or any fee applicable to the purchase and import by the buyer’s country of import or any other entity involved in the sale process.

Should West Africa Diamonds Ltd. agree to approve product return after 30 days from the date of purchase, the customer will be charged 10-15% in addition to the purchase cost, in order to pay for expenses that were paid.

If the customer fails to comply with the payment policy, or keeps a jewel or diamond and for 30 days, West Africa Diamonds Ltd. reserves the right to cancel the order, as well as to receive refunds for fees paid and handling fees amounting to $350.

Custom orders and designs are non-refundable. In addition, if a product is ordered and West Africa Diamonds Ltd. will purchase any product to complete the customer’s order, whether for customer-tailored design or for any other reason, and the customer decides to cancel the order, the product or stone will not be returned and the order will not be refunded.

Refunds are made to the payment method the customer used to make the original payment, whether by wire transfer, cash, cheque, PayPal or any other method.

Every product sold by us will be thoroughly examined after being returned, and only a product that exactly matches the initial product sent by our company will be refunded. Any change in product specifications will not be accepted and will not be refunded by us.

Products should be sent to our offices in Israel:

West Africa Diamonds Ltd.


Diamond Building, 31st Floor, Office 61, 21 Tuval St., Ramat Gan, Israel

Tel.: 00972-3-6135990

Fax: 00972-3-6135991

After you ship the products back, please send us an email with the shipping number, date and shipping method to our email address:


Products should be shipped via shipping insured against theft, loss of goods, etc., including shipment handling.

In some areas of the United States, our company provides a free refund, provided that all conditions are met.

West Africa Diamonds Ltd. does not undertake and is free from any responsibility for any stone, diamond or jewelry that were not actually received or were not returned in accordance with the conditions specified above.

All returns must be accompanied by a copy of the original invoice received at the time of shipment.

Thank you,

We would be happy to do business with you again!